Anyone, no matter the age or gender, can catch Coronavirus, but age plays a major role in the probability of getting the virus or the probability of the virus being more severe. An older person has a higher chance of severe illness than a younger person. Many people know that […]
Sports and Fitness During the Coronavirus Pandemic
A frequently practiced recreational activity by the majority of the American population is exercise and recreational fitness. However, recent times have made sports and fitness during the Coronavirus pandemic very difficult for most individuals to participate in, even impossible, due to social distancing measures and quarantine requirements causing gyms to […]
Schooling During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has brought about major changes to ways of living for Americans and people all over the world. These major changes are constantly taking place as we speak. One of the biggest concerns among these changes and issues is of students and whether or not they will participate […]
The Homeless and the Coronavirus in America
Poverty and homelessness in America have been an underlying issue for the majority of the nation’s existence. Costs of living drastically increasing year by year, making purchasing affordable housing and maintaining housing more difficult have amplified these problems. It’s hard to ignore the fact that the homeless population exists considering […]
How Does Coronavirus Testing Work?
Even those following the rules of social distancing and continuing to wash their hands are at risk of catching the coronavirus. It is an extremely contagious disease that can be spread if even a small amount of the population refuses to take precautions, resulting in many countries being forced to […]
Will Ocean Seabed Mining Delay a Coronavirus Cure?
The ocean remains relatively undiscovered, with only 5% explored. It has always been an intriguing field of study, but with the overarching problem of the coronavirus in modern society, ocean exploration and profitable mining projects are sporadically affecting research to end the pandemic once and for all, but to what […]
How Does Climate Change Affect the Coronavirus?
In the coming decades, ecological degradation, rising temperatures, and extreme weather events could intensify the threats to human health posed by viruses. Climate change has always been a topic of debate, but how exactly is helping, or harming, society as we know today? We know from past epidemics that changes […]
How is the Coronavirus Pandemic Going to End?
As stock markets plunge, travel is disrupted and new coronavirus infections are diagnosed across the United States, one question on everyone’s mind is how the outbreak is going to end. No one knows for sure, but virologists say there are clues from similar outbreaks. Health officials control coronavirus through strict public health […]
Teens Rise Up To The Coronavirus
During these times of isolation, all groups of all types are rising up to take action. Teens, especially, have shown what they can accomplish against the Coronavirus. Among other things, they are fundraising, creating masks for health care workers and researching the virus itself. With the US leading the number […]
How the Coronavirus is Negatively Impacting Education
COVID-19 has had an unforeseen impact on education. What steps should students and educators take next?