Suchit Kalahasthi

How Close Are We To a Reliable COVID-19 Vaccine?

The COVID-19 vaccine is on track to become the fastest-developed vaccine in history, but that doesn’t mean critical steps are being skipped. Ruth Karron, who leads the Center for Immunization Research at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, is one of the top vaccine experts in the world, serving on vaccine […]

Are Antibiotics Becoming Useless Now?

An emerging problem in the healthcare world, that is typically overlooked, is the issue of viruses building immunity against common antibiotics. More and more cases of common illnesses are becoming dangerous because antibiotics are not working as effectively as they used to. “Common diseases are becoming untreatable.” That’s the blunt […]

Did NASA Really Discover a Parallel Universe?

The internet has done it again. Today it abounds with stories from tabloids like the New York Post, Express and the Daily Star—mostly quoting each other—that major on claims that NASA scientists have evidence that could prove the existence of a parallel universe. It’s all way overblown and misrepresents what the research in question is about. […]

Anti-China Sentiment Has Infiltrated Social Media

There’s been an uptick of rhetoric blaming someone for the coronavirus outbreak. Specifically, China and the Chinese people. Instead of using neutral and scientific language like “coronavirus” and “Covid-19,” people are posting online about the “Chinese virus,” “Chinese coronavirus,” “Wuhan virus,” or the “Kung Flu.” Much of this ramping-up can […]