
Period Products Are Free in Scotland, Will the World Follow?

Period Plunder The stigma around a woman’s period, one of the most natural processes our body has to offer, has become apparent in this past century. However, there’s no doubt that in that century, there has been a significant advancement in the creation of safe and usable menstrual hygiene products.  […]

Are Antibiotics Becoming Useless Now?

An emerging problem in the healthcare world, that is typically overlooked, is the issue of viruses building immunity against common antibiotics. More and more cases of common illnesses are becoming dangerous because antibiotics are not working as effectively as they used to. “Common diseases are becoming untreatable.” That’s the blunt […]

What Students need to know about how COVID-19 affects college admissions

As the stock market tumbles and more and more countries extend lockdowns, traditional institutions are disrupted. College admissions for this admissions cycle and the ones after will be drastically altered. This is how you can adapt to cancelled extracurriculars and tests. For high school seniors and other applicants awaiting decisions: […]