Period Products Are Free in Scotland, Will the World Follow?

Period Plunder The stigma around a woman’s period, one of the most natural processes our body has to offer, has become apparent in this past century. However, there’s no doubt that in that century, there has been a significant advancement in the creation of safe and usable menstrual hygiene products.  […]

Effects of the COVID-19 Variant on the Vaccine

Since late December of 2019, Covid-19 has heavily impacted the world. Fortunately, the long-waited COVID-19 vaccine has been developed and has proved to be unlike any precursor vaccines. The two vaccines currently in use employ mRNA technology. While previous vaccines work by administering a harmless form of a disease/virus, enabling […]

American and International Political Differences

Differences Regarding Left and Right-Wing Politics Political differences can be seen from nation to nation, as some nations are skewed right or left. The Overton Window represents what is politically acceptable to a population. For example, a communist or far-left party would not fall inside the Overton Window because it […]

Sports and Fitness During the Coronavirus Pandemic

A frequently practiced recreational activity by the majority of the American population is exercise and recreational fitness. However, recent times have made sports and fitness during the Coronavirus pandemic very difficult for most individuals to participate in, even impossible, due to social distancing measures and quarantine requirements causing gyms to […]

How Close Are We To a Reliable COVID-19 Vaccine?

The COVID-19 vaccine is on track to become the fastest-developed vaccine in history, but that doesn’t mean critical steps are being skipped. Ruth Karron, who leads the Center for Immunization Research at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, is one of the top vaccine experts in the world, serving on vaccine […]